Welcome to the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern. We are delighted that you are interested in our beautiful hotel. In our media area you will find information and a selection of pictures relating to our offer.
Welcome to the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern. We are delighted that you are interested in our beautiful hotel. In our media area you will find information and a selection of pictures relating to our offer.
We offer a variety of impressions of the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern for downloads. The copyright for all photos is by the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern. The use of the photos provided is for media purposes only.
Please note: This is just a preview, for full resolution images please click here.
The photographic material provided here is only available free for editorial purposes in relation to the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern. Please note the following directives for the use of image material: Media partners (newspapers, magazines, TV stations, news portals etc.) may publish images which they have obtained here free of charge in the editorial section of their medium.
The use of images for any other purpose (in particular advertising or any other use not specified here) is not permitted without explicit, written consent. The use of images for advertising is in principle possible by prior arrangement. Please contact Yvonne Sersch, Sales & Marketing Manager, Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern.Here you will find our latest press releases available for download. Text and photos have been released for publication.
We appreciate inclusion in editorial content and we are looking forward to receive a specimen copy. We are also happy to personally assist you in your research.
Do you have specific questions or are you having difficulty in finding the required information or a particular text? Please contact us so that we can help you with your search.
Our media releases are mostly only in German available.
Gian Walker, Director of Business Development
Roman Omlin, General Manager
Here you can download the official logo of the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern. The logos are available in EPS and JPG format.
The logo of the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern is part of the company's valuable intellectual property. They serve to symbolize the identity and differentiation in the market. The proper use of the logo is crucial for maintaining a consistent brand image of our company. The graphics may be copied or altered in any way. Any unauthorized use of the logos must comply with the guidelines for use of trademarks and logos.
Important: Any use of logos must be approved from the Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern. Requests for permission to use the logo should be sent to Gabriel Kaspar, Art & Communication Manager, Please briefly describe the intended use. You will receive an answer within one business day.